” Groaning, Craig lifted his head off of Tweek’s shoulder, looking up at him. I'm comfortable with that. TikTok video from Tweek!! ☕️ (@1rltweektweak): "anyways kenny’s design is so cool #southpark #tweektweak #craigtucker". Tweek looked away from Craig briefly before turning back around and walking into the arms that were now open wide for him; ready to embrace him tightly as if accepting all the love that had been built up between them these past few months since adopting Ivy into their lives; a life which was now filled with indescribable amounts of. Craig was a taller and his face didn’t have the same childish charm to it that Tweeks had, he looked more grown up than Tweek. . From Craig's standpoint, even if he's a 1 on the Kinsey, everyone's happy and he's laying the foundation for an amicable breakup and transition to getting with chicks later on. South Park S19 E6. Tweek: Yeah! I do! Craig: Tweek, don't! Tweek: Shut up Craig! Randy: Tweek, just give me the gun. Mutual hatred gets in the way of their potential relationship, but being cabin mates might just tear down the wall of hate. South Park S19 E6. “Craig please,” he begged. Sometimes he hated this town. Craig spends the beginning of the episode trying to comfort tweek by giving him advice and trying to help regulate his anxiety with the fidget spinners, etc. TikTok video from Tweek!! ☕️ (@1rltweektweak): "anyways kenny’s design is so cool #southpark #tweektweak #craigtucker". ' 'We'll see,' Kyle replied quietly. In the Whole Foods, Craig's Dad is given a warm welcome. And tweek x craig. Artwork by VibratingBlondeChild Story by xenolith1245. They were now face to face with the girl. . Craig went to the bathroom to put the dirty clothes plus the hand towel into the laundry to wash for later. Add to that his hair being brown in The Losing Edge and it's just a mess. " Craig: No, you may not! PC Principal: Okay, now we're getting somewhere. Tweek was a little sad at the sudden withdraw of the touch but when he looked up at Craig and saw how tired he was, Tweek just couldn't for the life of him get mad. Specifics: Slash/Yaoi/Tweek + Craig ONLY. Craig and Tweek get married ? ! ( skit ! ) Jㅇrah . South Park S21 E2. After completing Ghost Reconciler, this mission will. Also like Mr tweak says in fractured but whole "having a gay son is great for the coffee business". Tweek Tweak is a fourth-grade student at South Park Elementary. 0 •Sad man (@yetchittle): "after tweek and Craig get married they leave south park cus they both hate the place and want a fresh start. Tweek looked at Craig, hardly breathing. . "Craig you look tired you should go to bed, I'll wake you up when dinners ready. We Heard You're Gay. Craig Tucker is a member of the boys' fourth-grade class. But Matt and Trey said in an interview, the whole Tweek x Craig episode is basically their honest response to finding random yaoi fanarts of Tweek x Craig. Craig: Yes, Lets go together. Are Craig and tweek married in the future? – craig and tweek are married in the future and they will be very cute in like, the one scene they have. One of his traits is his compulsive tendency to flip people off, usually for no discernible reason. Token Black is a detective helping solve Kenny’s case, Wendy Testaburger shows up with her new husband Darwin, Tweek and Craig are still together decades down the line while Clyde Donavan is an antivaxxer. Tweek Vs. Still married Getting a divorce It's weird or complicated Voting closed r/MAFS_TV • WATN: Lindy & Miguel. When he came back into the room, he held a cup of water and Tweek could hear the bathroom bathtub faucet running in the background. korraaaaaaaaa • 3 yr. A Lover's Quarrel. Tweek didn't help either. Cartman snapped, making Tweek flinch. Tweek and Craig get in a fight at school. Tweek let out a loud whine grabbing the sheets “I wanna come” “Come on my face” Craig blurted out and Tweek nodded as Craig placed his face. 01:05. The movie had ended, and Tweek had hardly even noticed. 01:01. 0:00 - 0:09 is a texting scene !A little skit I wanted to do , it seemed a little canon for Valentine’s Day !Characters : Tweek Tweak : South ParkCraig Tucke. In the episode, the boys try to get Tweek and Craig to fight so they can prove who's the toughest kid in school. 09/20/2017. 10/28/2015. He hasn't told his family about Tweek ever since they started dating. 5KClyde skipped into pace with Craig, Token and Tweek behind them. Tweeks anxiety doesnt go down and they end up in a fight because tweek needs emotional support and craig feels like he is giving support. Did Craig and tweek get married?Chapter Text “Fuck, Tweek,” Craig groaned, snapping his hips forward in a staccato beat. 01:01. South Park. You’ll get a notification to come to the elementary school at some point. Students at school just decided that Tweak and Craig were a gay couple, so they went with it, and the joke has stuck. Now Craig, you might say, "You may touch my penis. In Tweek vs. Answer (1 of 3): Yes they are a real couple. 00:51. Tweek & Craig. Tweek calmed down immediately, but there was still a lingering doubt. Tweek and Craig decide they need to put a stop to this, and they stage a fake breakup, where Tweek accuses Craig of cheating on him. ] Girls: ACraig: Dude, what the fuck? Wendy: In yaoi art, the seme, or top, is usually dominating the uke, or bottom, as demonstrated in. So are Craig and Tweek dating?? I’ve been a fan of the show for a while and it just now occurred to me that at the end of Tweek x Craig they said they were going to. Spanish and English, his first two classes of the day, went well. I felt my eyelids grow heavy, I drifted off to sleep, with Craig following shortly after. When the teacher turned her back, Tweek waved his hand to get Craig's attention. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Craig's eyes narrowed dangerously. Additional comment actions. Craig shoves Kenny off him, who is now giggling and laughing all over the floor. At the wake, many former classmates of the boys are also in attendance: Tweek Tweak and Craig Tucker, still together; Wendy Testaburger, now married to an outsider; Jimmy Valmer, now a late-night talk show host telling bland jokes to avoid offending anyone; Tolkien Black, now a law enforcement officer, and Clyde. There are two openly gay children (the other one being Tweek Tweak), one of whom lives in the United States. RT @craigtisms: when craig and tweek get married they realize that neither of them particularly like to wear rings, craig gets sensory issues and tweeks paranoid he’ll lose it so instead they decide to tattoo a line around each of their ring fingers to signify their permanent love for each other. Next to him, Craig slept on. 01:05. Quiz introduction. However, it wasn’t just Ms. 6K Likes, 108 Comments. You Are So Up and Down. Then he thought about Butters and Stan offering to get Tweek a new. 8K views 1 year ago 0:00 - 0:09 is a texting scene ! A little skit I wanted to do , it seemed a little. r/southpark. Craig and Tweek are getting married. Craig mumbled. We Heard You're Gay. there's only like 2 of them. But, in the end, what is the yaoi in the context of the show but a tool to provoke peer pressure. Heckle_Jeckle • 1 yr. I smile, "I-I love you t-too Craig. PC Principal gives important relationship guidelines to Tweek and Craig. 7K Likes, 32 Comments. Craig didn't see him, but Butters did. Heel–Faith Turn: Cartman, possibly. We were pressured to get together in a strangely similar way to Tweek and Craig. But I’m starting to worry they aren’t going to be canon for much longer. 01:05. Randy: Never! Tweek pulls the trigger of the shotgun and there was a click. In a few big steps, Craig was flopping onto the bed and wrapping his arms around Tweek. Craig's dad's final speech is talking about fighting actually being gay, but Craig takes it to be about "gay" Craig, and Craig makes his choice. Do not! Touch! My phone! tweek: I’m just–gonna hit ignore and that’s it! craig: If it’s that serious, I’ll just do it! tweek: I can’t be sure that you will unless I do it myself! clyde: I’M SINGLE. how are people still saying tweek and craig’s relationship is forced or it is a joke they literally are married now 💀💀💀 | SPOILERS TO NEW SOUTH PARK. Single and ready to mingle. Affirmative Consent. Series. . Craig which was way back in Season 3, I think). 'Tweek may be mental but the minute Cartman goes after Tweek, Craig is gonna flip his shit. Hi <3. #tweektweak #craigtucker #creek #spcreek #sp. Something went wrong. The Asian girls in school are drawing dreamy pictures of Tweek and Craig. Matt and terry made the tweek x Craig episode as a wtf moment because that’s the reaction they had when seeing the art. Across the episode we also get flashes of other recognisable South Park characters all grown up. Token and Tweek, Craig and Clyde. "N-No, I just got too many assignments the past two weeks and wasn't able to do much of anything. I honestly think a lot of it’s random and doesn’t really matter. 19 Jun 2023 21:26:45The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Yeah, the thing that motivates Craig to be Tweek’s boyfriend is not peer pressure from the town, but his father letting him know he loves him no matter what. With the suggestion of Mr. Afterwards, they're reprimanded by PC Principal. Cupid Me and Cartman come up with a plan to help Tweek and Craig's love blossom. Tweek had started his day by waking up on schedule which meant he had time to enjoy a cup of coffee in the kitchen before filling his thermos and heading out to school. South Park: Tweek X Craig Reaction (Season 19 Episode 6)🔔 Subscribe And Ring The Bell To Get Notified When I Post A Video!🔴 Sponsored By Ewin Racing (For. Stan leaves the wake early and watches a report on Kenny, where he notices "Tegridy Weed" in Kenny's notes. TikTok video from Juno2. 1rltweektweak Tweek!! ☕️. Meanwhile, distracted driving runs rampant at Elitch Gardens. South Park S19 E6. Plus, outside of Cartman, Craig would be the character I would think would have the least amount of patience for an over-the-top one-note character like Tweek. After Heidi and Cartman get into. The episode parodies the slash fiction genre of yaoi art. " [Tweek wears a pink bow in his hair and is wrapped in a pink ribbon while Craig stands behind him looking down at his face. 1 Creek (Craig/Tweek) Ever since I joined the fandom this was probably the first thing I shipped. First video gacha and South park is wat I Will doPersonality Quiz. South Park S19 E6. it is ridiculously easy to get married in colorado, like you don't need any witnesses or an officiant, and there's no waiting period to get the license. Balmarog •. In the busy city of New York, Tweek rushes through his day to day life as a barista at Cartman's restaurant, in their newly open café addition. original sound. no they just want to do it in butters's butt. Tweek let out a whimper, missing the feeling, yet his longing was soon satisfied by Craigs long index finger alone inside Tweek for a few thrusts before Craig pushed in another finger. Mackey decides Tweek and Craig should face their "Expectations", along with many other relationship issues. In the next shot with Craig, he's in his room sulking which was a little weird since he was outside fixing his bike. Tweek and Craig counseling. Fans of the series will be curious to see if the two develop a relationship in the future episodes. . He's constantly flipping people off and has been deemed a "bad influence" by many of the parents. tweek: Well, ignore it and tell my dad to cut it out, we’re not ready to get pretend married! craig: Dude. ago. 10/28/2015. They have such a healthy relationship, Craig was always there for Tweek when he was stressing out. Meanwhile, Tweek and Craig confront the Yaoi girls. 13K views. The conclusion of episode 19. South Park S19 E6. Affirmative Consent. Tweek scoffed and turned to the side, his face trying to hide those red flushed cheeks. is married to an unknown woman, but fans speculate that he is married to Yentl, the woman Cartman married in the. . Affirmative Consent. Full Ep. KisaTheMistress • 3 yr. I did the first one and. On the other hand, if they wanted to make 2 male kid characters be a couple, there arent a lot of other options besides Tweek and Craig out of the primary and secondary child characters. His next major appearance was in "Tweek vs. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. All of a sudden for two fourth graders in South Park to be in a gay relationship was pretty. Right smack in the middle of his forehead, furiously red and no doubt irritated from incessant poking and prodding before he picked Tweek up. He tried to get back up but the ground was suddenly as thick as mud. Afterwards, they're reprimanded by PC Principal. He leads the group known as Craig's Gang. People who ask what last name would carry over after Tweek and Craig get married are crazy. He's the protective type. I got Jimmy in mine. Not happy, denial: Told that it's alright: Couple: Seen together ever since: Stan & Kyle, more subtle and a lot more spread out over the years. Except the South parks creators do this with all the episodes. 2.